Don't order the soup
Last week was an interesting visit to Tucson, Arizona for the Arizona League of Cities Annual Meeting. I stayed at the Starr Pass Resort which is a really beautiful property with the best that Arizona has to offer. The meeting was great and I saw several friends and made a few new ones. My session was on Wednesday morning and I was joined by Arizona Governor Janet Napolitano. She is well liked by the cities in Arizona and seems to understand the things that affect cities. Her website is
Arizona is on the front lines of the immigration dedate and it is hard to spend ten minutes there without hearing a discussion on the issue. The League sponsored a panel on immigration and I attended to learn what I could. A representative of the Minuteman group was part of the panel and gave an impassioned validation of why they do what they do. I wasn't convinced and still have grave reservations about demonizing immigrants. I did learn something that I didn't know. I learned that citizens from Canada who enter the United States through our Northern border and overstay are considered different from citizens of Mexico who do the same thing. The reason is that Mexican citizens are required to get a visa to enter the United States, while Canadians are not. There are so many things that most of us do not know about immigration. This doesn't mean that one person is right or wrong, but it is an indication of an overall lack of information.
I got to review our new Public Service Announcements for the National League of Cities. I'll post a link as soon as I receive it. The spots are really good. They are professionally done and really connect to the Inclusive Community message.
Now for the down side of my trip to Arizona. Food Poisoning!!!!! I had a bowl of soup and needless to say, it didn't agree with me. It really knocked me for a loop. I did get to meet several people from the chef's staff and gave a detailed report(don't ask!!) to a loss prevention specialist for the hotel. Take my word for it, this was not a good experience.
So long for now. I won't be eating any soup on my next venture.