Don't order the soup
Last week was an interesting visit to Tucson, Arizona for the Arizona League of Cities Annual Meeting. I stayed at the Starr Pass Resort which is a really beautiful property with the best that Arizona has to offer. The meeting was great and I saw several friends and made a few new ones. My session was on Wednesday morning and I was joined by Arizona Governor Janet Napolitano. She is well liked by the cities in Arizona and seems to understand the things that affect cities. Her website is
Arizona is on the front lines of the immigration dedate and it is hard to spend ten minutes there without hearing a discussion on the issue. The League sponsored a panel on immigration and I attended to learn what I could. A representative of the Minuteman group was part of the panel and gave an impassioned validation of why they do what they do. I wasn't convinced and still have grave reservations about demonizing immigrants. I did learn something that I didn't know. I learned that citizens from Canada who enter the United States through our Northern border and overstay are considered different from citizens of Mexico who do the same thing. The reason is that Mexican citizens are required to get a visa to enter the United States, while Canadians are not. There are so many things that most of us do not know about immigration. This doesn't mean that one person is right or wrong, but it is an indication of an overall lack of information.
I got to review our new Public Service Announcements for the National League of Cities. I'll post a link as soon as I receive it. The spots are really good. They are professionally done and really connect to the Inclusive Community message.
Now for the down side of my trip to Arizona. Food Poisoning!!!!! I had a bowl of soup and needless to say, it didn't agree with me. It really knocked me for a loop. I did get to meet several people from the chef's staff and gave a detailed report(don't ask!!) to a loss prevention specialist for the hotel. Take my word for it, this was not a good experience.
So long for now. I won't be eating any soup on my next venture.
Greetings, Jim.
I have been following the National League of Cities' Inclusive Commuities program. It seems to be gaining momentum these days...and that is just great.
I have been chanting my mantra of inclusion, Everyone is Included...All People, All Places, All Ways for many years, so I fully understand and appreciate this initiative.
I believe striving for the inclusion of all is the very best our leaders can do for their communities. I am certain our founding fathers and our God are most pleased with those who choose to embrace this concept.
All the very best,
Ed Rosenberg
Cape May Court House, New Jersey
12:39 PM
Hello all .
I just saw this site and was amazed how its so in favor of Illegals under the guise and or ploy of inclusiveness !
Why instead don't you portray the truth for a change on the site rather than a subtle lie as your doing !
How the authors of this site can under the guise or ploy of national inclusiveness condone illegals!? These Illegals are honestly invaders let alone thief's and have no interest of doing what's right let alone obeying our laws. They feel they are above our laws and able under those like the authors of this organization to condone their evil invasion that's against Gods ten commandments namely the 7th and 10th, thou shalt not seal and thou shalt not covert thy neighbors goods !
Obviously the illegals have no regard for Gods laws nor do the authors of this organization or of the site :(
Shame on you and its evil what you and the illegals are doing !!!God well judge you and the illegals!
Then lets see what your groups have to say when you face him for your subtle ways of evil inclusion of illegals !?!?
I have the impression it wont be much talking but rather screaming at the top of your lungs !
I encourage all Americans to do what's right, for its only a temporary life and all well answer to God in the end. For Gods sake do whats right no matter if its popular or not. Jesus died for us so the least we can do is speak the truth the best we can while we have life ! Expose groups such as this for thier evil subtle ways that they impose on all Americans!! All Americans , white, black , latin , asian , indian and others must make a stand against illegals to save our nation from the invaders and those groups like this as well that encourage the invasion !
People this is our country and we have a right to protect and defend what's rightfully ours !
God Bless America !
Patriotic American
10:26 PM
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