As President of the National League of Cities, I have been fortunate to be able to lead the Building a Nation of Inclusive Communities Program. I believe that this will have a profound effect on America's cities.

Thursday, November 30, 2006

A few more pictures of Alaska. As you can see, the snow was falling and accumulated to about three feet. I've gotten a few e-mails from league members in Alaska and they say that it is still unusally snowy. My wife and sister-in-law, Susan had also never visited Alaska and I think we got a good taste of what most Alaskans deal with every year. We did bring the right clothes and the cold was really not a big problem. One thing that I learned was that Juneau is fairly landlocked and the only way to travel to other parts of Alaska is by plane or ferry.

You can see that snow removal takes a while on the narrow streets of Juneau. While we did eat at some great restaurants we did make a stop at the local McDonalds. We also ate at the world famous Red Dog Saloon. The ribs were great!!!