Scarborough Country
I flew to Jacksonville, Florida this weekend for the Florida League of Cities Annual Conference and spoke to about 800 delegates. Joe Scarborough, host of the MSNBC show "Scarborough Country" was also on the program and was a very interesting person. He was a four-term congressman from Northern Florida or the "Redneck Riveria" as he put it. The Florida League is one of the largest in the country and they really know how to put on a meeting. Their closing banquet was on of the nicest that I have attended. They swore in the new President, Rene Flowers of St. Petersburg. Rene is a very nice lady and will do a great job for the Florida league.
Richard Jeni, an actor and comedian who starred with Jim Carrey in The Mask was the featured entertainment and he was great. Other than a small glitch at the hotel, it was a great trip. Around 5:00AM the electric went off in the hotel and I had to carry my luggage down eighteen floors. It was quite a sight seeing hundreds of guests walking down dozens of floors.
Suprisingly, the airports were no problem at all. I got right through the security and had no problems.
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