As President of the National League of Cities, I have been fortunate to be able to lead the Building a Nation of Inclusive Communities Program. I believe that this will have a profound effect on America's cities.

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Election Season

Recieved an e-mail from my good friend Joe Adams, the Mayor of University City, MO. Joe is up for re-election on Tuesday. I don't think he'll have a problem, but you never know. That is the one thing that I have learned in my years in elective office. Elections are like our report cards with the voters. It is difficult to know what the voters are thinking without spending a lot of time connecting in a variety of ways. I have noticed a distinct change in the past twenty years. E-mail, websites, blogs,television, talk radio, etc. have become a more important part of elective politics. That is why I have tried to keep ahead of the pack while also remembering that many of my constituents still keep in touch the old fashioned way, person to person. I started my website over six years ago and it has been an interesting experience. You may visit it at I try to keep it current and interesting. I've had a lot of comments and an increase in e-mail as a result of the site. I know it could be a lot better and I constantly try to improve it. I think the newest wrinkle is video and I think it will really have a positive impact on our communication. You will be able to watch a council meeting or zoning hearing on demand and should change the way we govern.

Good luck, Joe.


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